How it Works

Calculating the number of people who have ever lived is challenging and requires both science and best estimates based on research.

We know a lot about the current global population and we can make educated guesses about the population at different times in human history. The two of these combined help us create an estimate of your unique Sapien Number.

What we know

You are here.

What we don't know

How do you know My Sapien Number is accurate?

Your Sapien Number is our best guess based on the facts we know from science and estimates of what we can never know. Only 1% of the span of human history has been tracked with accurate demographic data. The rest is a guess made by very smart people.

What makes My Sapien Number truly unique?

Your Sapien Number will always be unique. There are currently an average of about 380,000 people born every day or about 260 per minute! Even if two people are born at the same time, we’ll give each of them a unique Sapien Number.

How do you know what time all these famous people were born?

The truth is, we don’t actually know the exact time most famous people were born. We’re making a general estimation based on available public information. But if any of them (who are still living, of course) want a more accurate Sapien Number, we’ll provide them with one. All they need to do is fill out our form!

Population Growth Theory

The Population Reference Bureau (PRB) explains that any estimate of total population relies on three factors:

Nobody knows for sure any of these variables, but we’ve chosen to use the PRB’s estimates as the basis for our math to determine your unique Sapien Number.

What We Know

What We Don’t Know

What Math Can Tell Us

Modern Sapien Population Data

Total Sapiens Alive Today

Total Sapiens Alive One Year Ago Today

Sapiens Born In The Last Year

Total Sapiens Alive Last Year

Total Sapiens Alive Today

Total Sapiens Alive One Year Ago Today

Sapiens Born In The Last Year

Total Sapiens Alive Last Year


Take a Break

Repeat Birthrate Equation in 10 Year Intervals


Take a Break

Repeat Birthrate Equation in 10 Year Intervals

Average Birthrate Over 100 Years

Sapien Population From 100 Years Ago

Sapien Population From Today Years Ago

When Did Sapiens First Walk The Earth?

Average Birthrate Over 100 Years

Sapien Population From 100 Years Ago

Sapien Population From Today Years Ago

When Did Sapiens First Walk The Earth?

Math is Hard!


Total Number Of Sapiens Who Ever Lived

Math is Hard!


Total Number Of Sapiens Who Ever Lived


If these smiles represented 100% of the people who've ever lived... How many smileys would be alive today?

7 smileys is the correct answer!

According to the PRB study from 2021, the currently living percentage of total human population that has ever lived is 7%.

And YOU are one of them… can you believe it?


New Sapiens Each Day


Members of the Homo Sapien species ever born​


New Sapiens Each Second​


New Sapiens Since You Started Reading This



Can you believe it?

To get your unique Sapien Number, just tell us your birth date and time.

Note: If you don’t know your birth time, you can leave it blank or give us your best guess.

Birth Time

To get your unique Sapien Number, just tell us your birth date and time.

Note: If you don’t know your birth time, you can leave it blank or give us your best guess.

Birth Time